Saturday, April 2, 2011

I think that I may have started to answer this above

RP: I think that I may have started to answer this above...simply, they should take a few minutes to understand the underlying cause for the boom and bust MBT Fora, cycle that occurred back then.?It was a phenomenon where many business people couldn't understand what the business case was but invested regardless; there seemed to be this innate concept that just because they didn't understand the technology behind the website, they didn't have to understand how the revenue was made.?In effect, business people threw aside what they knew about business on the basis that the technology would compensate.?In a nutshell, they should know that you cannot give something away for free and expect revenue from nowhere, it just doesn't add up!?

They should look at the business as a business and make sure that the product actually does function and that the revenue model is based on real sales with a real management and sales strategy associated to it.6. What can the government do to help you and companies like you? What has it done to date and what are its plans? Have you communicated your wishes and expectations to the MBT Changa Birch,authorities? RP: Wow, that's a long answer!

I'll try and be brief. For iDevelop specifically, we know that we will need more programmers and a continually improving IT infrastructure.?I think that so far, the initiatives in the universities and the push to establish a Minster for IT have been good steps in the right direction but I think there should be a greater pressure put on the central bank and a focus on the fiscal policy to make the e-banking and trading laws user friendly.?At the moment, the laws are in place on a local level but there are so many restrictions in place MBT Kimondo Shoes on how income or sales can be realized it makes the process nigh on prohibitive.?If the policy making was considered with a system approach I feel that transactions would flow smoothly and that we would see a faster development of this sector which would benefit us all.?It is noteworthy however, to point out that any suggestions we have presented thus far have been well received and dealt with in a very positive manner.7. Macedonia is a highly politicized country, as are all polities in transition. How do politics figure into your financing and marketing equation?

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