Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Then find out the actual number of publications

Then find out the actual number of publications they print - their circulation, not their readership (that's a fluffed up number). Then you can compare your options by the cost per 1000 households in case you have more than one good option and can only do one.

I can't really tell you which ads to run or where to place your ad dollars in this email since you all have different businesses, however Nike Air Presto instead of looking at all the other ads to determine what you should put in your ad; you need to think like your customer and what will attract THEM to your ad.

Do they care what your name is? NO, so don't put it at the top of your ad, put it at the bottom with all your contact info and logo. They will have specific "Hot Buttons" that they care about and you need to address those in your heading.

Here are some tips:

- Try reversing your ad if you can't afford color.

- Use big bold headings to grab attention.

- Identifying your customer's Hot Buttons is the key to a more effective ad. You have 1.5 - 3 seconds to grab someone's attention in any medium.

Do you know how many different yellow page books there are that cover your area? There's probably at least 3-4. Everyone in your Nike Shox TL1,area gets them all, which one or more do you advertise in? The cheapest you say? WRONG.

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