Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Let's look at exactly what your ideal prospects

Let's look at exactly what your ideal prospects are motivated by: The Motivators. Below is a list of the top 10 reasons, results or benefits that make people buy, according to Jim Edwards and David Garfinkel in the ebook entitled "Ebook Secrets Exposed" that I read a bazillion years ago:

Here, according to them, are the most powerful motivators:

Make mo-ney Save mo-ney

Save time

Avoid effort

Get more comfort

Achieve greater cleanliness

Attain fuller health

Escape physical pain

Gain praise

Be popular Now, not every one of these fits your business, and most likely, yours fall into the top 4 motivators, unless you're in healthcare or image, then it usually falls within the last 6. Either way, it's time for you to narrow yours down into motivators from the Top Ten list above.

What's so powerful about using "motivators" in your marketing is that you position yourself as their ultimate SOLUTION, the one they would do anything and pay relatively anything to get. When you can show prospects how you can help them achieve one of them, they'll immediately pay more attention to you.

They'll want more. You'll PULL them in. They'll call YOU, as opposed to you chasing THEM. It's such a beautiful thing to watch when that begins happening in your business.

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