Thursday, April 21, 2011

The good news is that

The good news is that, whilst we each tend towards a default perspective for each situation in which we find ourselves, we can at any moment choose a different perspective. Taking a moment to step back and look at something from a different angle will help us avoid getting stuck in the MBT Tariki, same old argument and helps us manage our feelings better. Developing that habit of searching for different and wider perspectives helps us to cope realistically and flexibly with difficulties as they arise. It gives us more MBT Panda options, broadens our experience and paves the way for new solutions.

We can also influence our perspective by altering our perception; literally by changing our viewpoint we can change our point of view. This can be a simple act such as shifting positioning a chair, sitting in a MBT Kimondo GTX,different chair or for meetings that have a history of intractability, try changing the venue. Our bodies and brains work in a unified system of interconnected feedback loops, so what we perceive via our senses affects what we think and vice versa.

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