Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This means that readers can read the advert and then go and visit your competitors

This means that readers can read the advert and then go and visit your competitors website and get all the extra information they need. So your competitors get two shots at the same target audience, once from the newspaper or magazine ad and then again from their website, while you're left trailing in their dust because you didn't have a website where you could answer all your buyers questions, show them pictures etc. Your competitors with websites are providing a professional image.

Potential customers have more confidence in and prefer doing business with companies that they know something about. With your own website you can keep potential customers informed about the latest products and services you offer, the new menu you have, the latest discount you are offering, your newest line, or just explain to them in as much detail as you want why they should do business with you and not your competitor. You can show them pictures or even talk to them via a video on your site!

Just as I mentioned above, "In these days of fierce competition, if you haven't got a website for your business, you haven't truly got a business!" - So get your business out of the dark ages and stop letting your competitors steal your potential customers right from under your nose!

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