Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are you spending a ton of money in those darn yellow pages?

Are you spending a ton of money in those darn yellow pages?

Well, in some industries you need to unfortunately - like businesses that tend to get called in an emergency - plumbers, Nike Blazer Low electricians, dentists and so on. However, the majority of us may not need to.

I'm not telling you to go out and cancel all your ads; however I do recommend that you actually LOOK at the book (or publication) you want to buy in before you get sold by the salesperson.

See how many advertisers in your category are in there and how big they are. If there are 10-15 full page ads and another 10 half page ads, then this may be a good medium for you, however you will either need to spend a ton of money to get in the top 5-10 ads OR you will need to design your ad Nike Shox Turbo,so it stands out among the others instead and be smaller OR just have a listing if you can't compete and use your money more effectively elsewhere (for yellow pages).

For other newspapers and magazines - make sure to check the demographics of the publication to make sure first that they will hit your target market. So many small business owners DON'T DO THIS.

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