Friday, April 1, 2011

Audio is a fun, effective way to connect with your website visitor

Audio is a fun, effective way to connect with your website visitor. My audio mini-seminar series receives rave reviews. And, this internet marketing strategy makes sales for my information products such as audio and workbook programs.

If you've been thinking about creating your own audio mini-seminar but weren't quite sure how to get it set up, then you'll love these seven simple steps.Fendi Sunglasses,

Just follow these small steps and you'll have your own audio mini-seminar up, helping you sell your products and services (and information products) in no time!

Step #1: Decide on your audio mini-seminar topic.Choose one focal point for your audio mini-seminar. I recommend choosing a specific topic that directly relates to the type of service you provide and for which you want to be hired.

Step #2: Decide on the number of steps.This is not the time to ‘teach’ your listener to be an expert. Keep your audio mini-seminar focused on delivering tiny tidbits of
information, organized into a specific number of steps.

Internet Marketing Tip: I recommend five or seven topics, Ferragamo Sunglasses, delivered every other day by auto responder.

Step #3: Include a ‘call to action’ in each audio tip.Getting your listener to take action is a super way to deliver value. End each audio tip with a specific request upon which your listener can take action right away. Better yet, ask them to email you with their results!

Step #4: Record each audio.Two to four minutes is the recommended length for each audio. I record mine right from my telephone, using an online audio services account. It’s fast, simple and inexpensive to use. And, once you get a feel for it, you'll find more ways to put it to work as a valuable Roberto Cavalli Sunglasses, tool in other internet marketing strategies.

Step #5: Post each audio tip on its own page on your website.The more often you can get your listener to your site, the better off you are. Post each audio tip on its own page. Include an extra note, example or checklist on the page. Your listeners will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

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