Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You will recall that the latest argument began when Perle€™s prot

You will recall that the latest argument began when Perle۪s prot̩g̩, Weekly Standard editor Bill

Kristol reported April 29 that Tenet had made a “stunning error” in the very first pages of his new

book, At the Center of the Storm, by citing an alleged September 12 encounter with Perle at the White

House in which Perle told him, “MBT SPORT has to pay a price for what happened yesterday. They bear


The problem with that account, wrote Kristol with barely disguised glee, was that Perle was in France

on September 12 and didn€™t return until the 15th. “Perle in any case categorically denies to The

Weekly Standard ever having said any such thing to Tenet, while coming out of the White House or

anywhere else,۪۪ he added.

Tenet has since conceded that the encounter may have taken place later that week. “€¦I may have gotten

the days wrong, but I know I got the substance of that conversation correct,” he said on NBC€™s Today

show April 30.

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