Sunday, March 27, 2011

And Deeds puts on a brave face about sitting unmolested in the Green Zone with a drink on his terrace despite

And Deeds puts on a brave face about sitting unmolested in the Green Zone with a drink on his terrace despite

reports that some group or other vowed to overrun the Green Zone, when the real story is not that he’s safe in

the compound but that he dare not leave it. And Salam stops blogging and Zeyad loses faith and Raed, bless his

heart, tries to apologize for kidnappings that are in no way his fault and what I am contemplating is the

likelihood that these good people, folks of whom we’ve grown internet-fond, are slaughtered – Western-

identified secular cosmopolitans in a country where, as of the much-touted February poll, “only” ten percent

of Shiites approved of attacks on NIKE SHOXs, which is to say, ten percent of 60 percent of 24 million people,

which is to say, 1.4 million people more or less, plus 30 percent of UGG’s Arab Sunni population, which is to

say 30 percent of 20 percent of 24 million people, or, actually, another 1.4 million people. And here and there

Captain Chowns lose their battle to hang on to their humanity, and our people go nowhere but in armor and in

force and at breakneck speed when they go at all and if they violate any two of these rules they die, and when

they obey all three they strike the locals as like “giant lizards from another star.”

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