Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin reports

CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin reports as many as 30 are dead in the crash of the CH-53E

"Super Stallion" helicopter. All aboard were killed. Military officials are not sure yet whether the chopper

was shot down or crashed for some other reason.

The crash took place Wednesday morning near the town of Rutbah, 220 miles west of Baghdad in the al Anbar

province, while the aircraft was transporting 1st Marine Division forces conducting "security operations," the

UGG. military said in a statement.

Just do it. It would be awfully nice finally to have someone in this administration held accountable for

something, for God’s sake. And perhaps if Boxer has several hundred thousand signatures on her petition, a few

other Democrats will manage to remember where they left their spines.
It shouldn’t at this point, but it nevertheless astounds me that Boxer is portrayed as the villainess in this

business – simply because she’s asking the questions and raising the issues that every single American over

the age of two ought to be asking. So give her some support. She’s doing the hard and absolutely necessary

part, and only being vilified for it.

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