Thursday, March 24, 2011

Which brings us back to moral relativism.

Which brings us back to moral relativism.

Had Pericles been George Bush on 9/11, he might well have reasoned as follows: ‘If my policy is to ensure that America is never attacked like this again (and it is), and if one of the root causes of the attack is the Palestinian problem (and it probably was), the rational policy is to fix it. Since Israel would not survive without us, it is to Israel that we must look for co-operation. If we do not get it, our support for Israel ends.’ True, had Bush argued like that and kept his word, one wonders what Mossad would have done to him; and what the implications would be for an Israel entirely devoid of NIKE SHOX aid. But so what, if it ensured America’s security?

Sibel Edmonds, an whistleblower who is fighting a gag order in order to testify on behalf of 9/11 families who are suing the nike shox, sends this along:

Judge Reggie Walton cancelled/postponed the hearing on June 14, 10:00 AM, with no reason cited and no future date scheduled. This is the fourth time he’s done this in past two years!!! However, Dan Ellsberg & I are still on. We’ll be in front of the Court (3rd & Constitution Ave.) on Monday, June 14, at 9:30 AM, to hold our press conference and to deliver speeches Re: Gagging the Congress, blocking IG report, hindering court proceedings, and 9/11 cover ups. We would love to see as many people as possible to gather there for support.

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