Monday, March 21, 2011

Things here in the Green Zone are a little more monotonous than when I first started here

Things here in the Green Zone are a little more monotonous than when I first started here, simply because we are restricted to where we are allowed to go in here. Essentially, we are only allowed to be in the Palace compound, or at my work building, or the PX (the little concessionary store with stuff)… no real restaurants or anything. We are supposed to wear our flak jackets and helmet everywhere we go, which is a big fat pain because the jacket is super bulky and heavy, and a sad fashion statement when paired up with khakis and blue sneakers. Oh well. The place has been hit by mortars or rockets almost every day, but the injuries and such have been limited. Folks outside aren’t spot on with the targeting, which is real good for all of us! It’s odd though, I don’t really even flinch when I hear something pass over me. The other day, I was on the balcony in the Palace, and all of a sudden I heard a whizzing sound, which means that it is a rocket, pass over – apparently it hit the fountain on the north side of the Palace, which is about maybe 2 city blocks away. I was more interested in the rocket than scared… I suppose it is a function of just having to survive over here – if you got anxious every time something was shot in, you’d never be about to concentrate. [...]

Remember: this is the good news.

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