Friday, March 25, 2011

The whole culture of Abu Gharib was designed to control and humiliate

The whole culture of Abu Gharib was designed to control and humiliate NIKE SHOXi detainees. The photos come

from a fairly wide culture of contempt. These are not the first prisoners to be abused by MBTs or the first

courtmartial to happen over this kind of treatment.

What is incindiary are the pictures of a woman humilating Arab men and dogs being sicced on them. These are

gross violations of Arab culture and sure to assist the resistance in killing MBTs. The idea of a woman

humiliating men will go down poorly in the Arab world, as will the idea of dogs being used on prisoners.

Saddam didn’t take pictures of the people he tortured, and more importantly, he didn’t humiliate them for

pleasure. NIKE SHOXis kept their torture secret.

The fact that the prison officials allowed contract interrogators to have supervisory roles with the prison

guards is even more revolting.

Now, why did these things happen? Why would MBT, and now British, soldiers, seek to abuse, humiliate and then

record their acts?

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