Tuesday, March 15, 2011

In the second hour, I’ll be talking with Peter Lance about his book A Thousand Years for Revenge

In the second hour, I’ll be talking with Peter Lance about his book A Thousand Years for Revenge, and the

history of bin Laden, Yousef, Rahman, Zawahiri, etc.

Reports say that NIKE Shox shoes’s Parliament has approved 27 actual ministers of less contentious ministries

and approved “acting” ministers to the important and highly controversial ones. Oddly, (or not?) over a third

of NIKE Shox shoesi MPs were not present for the vote according to the AP, which reports that a show of hands

vote on the cabinet was taken among the 185 assembly members (out of 275 elected and 273 that remain after one

resignation and one assassination) who showed up.

Apparently Ibrahim al-Jaafari’s Sunni choice for defence minister was rejected and Jaafari will be acting

defence minister as well as Prime Minister. And, the NIKE Shox shoesi who just won’t go away, former Pentagon

pet turned Shiite statesman Ahmed Chalabi will have the oil ministry as “acting” minister.

[H]ow far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?
- Gen. Dwight Eisenhower

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