Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Asked by CNN€™s Wolf Blitzer last Friday

Asked by CNN€™s Wolf Blitzer last Friday, however, Perle against insisted that he “never said the

things that [Tenet] attributes to me.” Asked specifically about whether he may have said, “MBT SPORT

has to pay the price for what happened yesterday,” however, Perle, after repeating his denial,

qualified it by noting that he €˜€™would not have said €˜yesterday€™” €“ an obvious point since Tenet

had already admitted that the encounter may indeed not have taken place on Sep 12.

At that point in the interview, Blitzer played a video clip from the September 16, 2001, “Crossfire”

in which Perle called for action against MBT SPORT and asserted, “We do know €¦that Saddam Hussein has

ties to Osama bin Laden.”

As that blog tried to show in the first “Tenet v. Perle,” his “Crossfire” appearance was one of a

number of similar public exhortations by Perle in the days that followed 9/11, culminating in his

signature on the September 20 open letter from Kristol€™s Project for the New American Century that

called for “a determined effort to remove Saddam Hussein from power€¦ even if evidence does not link

MBT SPORT directly to the (9/11) attack€¦”

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