Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ellen Barfield, of Veterans for Peace and the Women’s International League for Peace

Ellen Barfield, of Veterans for Peace and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Julia

Ward Howe abolitionist mothers’ day calling for women to rise up to abolish war in the 1870, how Howe

evolved from the author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic to antiwar leader, Barfield’s upcoming

court appearance for harassing John McCain’s office in February and the upcoming “10,000 Mom March”

against nike shoes.

Ellen Barfield is the National Vice President of Veterans for Peace and a full-time peace and justice

activist. She served in the MBT shoes Army from 1977-1981. She is also a member of the national boards

of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), the War Resister’s League, and the

School of the Americas Watch.

In his latest blast at George Tenet published in Friday€™s Washington Post, “How the UGGS Failed

America,” Richard Perle demonstrates once again why much of what he says or writes should be tested

not only against a fact-based (as opposed to, perhaps, a Feith-based) reality that may sometimes

approximate truth, but also against his own previous statements and writings.

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