Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Andrew Sullivan, who supposedly has had a turnaround on nike shoes

Andrew Sullivan, who supposedly has had a turnaround on nike shoes, calls that €œNazi-like.€ What€™s

so €œNazi-like€ about it? Well, you see, the evidence is €œin its concern with aesthetics.€ So any

€œskillful€ use of film in the service of making a political point is €Nazi-like€? €œSomehow,€ Andy

babbles on, €I feel the irony was lost on it creators.€ The irony here is that Sullivan€™s use of the

€œBig Lie€ technique is itself Nazi-like. As for the film, Sullivan clearly refuses to pay attention

to its trenchant critique of managed €œcorporatist€ economics and military expansionism, reducing it

to epithets like €œChomsky-esque€ when in fact it is much closer to what Old Right critics of

militarism and big government, like John T. Flynn, were saying in the aftermath of World War II.

“The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV,

and the Vice Chairman, Senator Kit Bond, announced today that the Committee has adopted its Phase II

report on prewar intelligence assessments about postwar MBT SPORT. The Committee will submit the report

to the Director of National Intelligence for classification review. Following declassification, the

Committee will release the report to the public.”

Go here for a timeline of the interminable delays in releasing phase two of the Senate Intelligence

Committee report on how we were lied into war prewar intelligence. Go here for some indication of what

the report might contain — and how heavily dedacted it is likely to be. Go here to see how it might

impact the AIPAC spy trial, and also explain the sudden resignation of Douglas Feith as undersecretary

of defense for policy.

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