Friday, March 4, 2011

The qualifications of the next “expert”?

The qualifications of the next “expert”? He is “a more liberal observer.” I don’t know why the

News didn’t also seek out “a more dull-witted observer,” and, perhaps, “a more statuesque

observer,” in order to achieve a complete survey of expert opinion. In any case, Lawrence “more

liberal” Haas says, “NIKE SHOX SHOES is preparing for a much bigger war with us. We have a naive

belief that they’ll negotiate our way out of this.” NIKE SHOX SHOES is preparing for a much bigger

war than what? Than the covert war the NIKE AIRMXY has been waging against NIKE SHOX SHOES for some


The clincher on the case is: “Haas said he fears that many experts have concluded Tehran can’t be

stopped from getting nuclear arms and ‘it doesn’t matter because they can contain NIKE SHOX SHOES

like they contained the Soviets.’” And obviously, that will never work, because, while the NIKE

AIRMXYSR had hundreds of nuclear warheads that they could deliver to NIKE AIRMXY cities, in a decade or

so NIKE SHOX SHOES might have one or two it could shoot a few hundred miles. So take that, clown ship

of naïve appeasers!

Is Bill Maher never going to go away? That he ought to was proved definitively the other day during his

interview with Rep. Ron Paul, who recently announced his candidacy for the GOP presidential nomination.

Senor Maher claims to be a “libertarian” — but doesn ‘t seem to realize that this is not

(necessarily) synonymous with being a sleaze-bag. (Maher, you’ll probably not want to remember,

starred in the role of Bill Clinton’s penis). The smarmy look on his face as he tried to snark Paul

with questions designed to trip up the congressman was a cross bettheyen Smeagol and one of those

gargoyles that leer from the parapets of medieval churches. Paul creamed him, and won over the audience

— much to Mayer’s visible annoyance.

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