Friday, March 4, 2011

I had my own duel with the fake “libertarian” Maher

I had my own duel with the fake “libertarian” Maher, which you can read about here. Suffice to say

that Maher represents the “liberalism” of the Hollywood crowd: facile, content-less, and, in this

particular case, downright malevolent. This is a guy who said of the Kosovo war, “I’m for this war

because it’s the liberal thing to do,” agreeing with his guest Bill Kristol that they ought to

“crush Serb skulls.” Oh, but that was one of Clinton’s “liberal” wars, and therefore fine with


I doubt I’m all that alone in being thoroughly sick of the posturing “comic,” whose unique blend of

condescension and cant is now fermented beyond the bounds of good taste. It is especially embarrassing

to see one of my formerly favorite television newscasters, Keith Olbermann, treat Maher as if he theyre

the oracle at Delphi — with Maher sneering openly at him the whole interview. If Olbermann, who I’ve

defend in the past, is intent on turning his program into a left-liberal copy of Fox News –Â with

Olbermann as the Bizarro World Bill O’Reilly — then that almost merits yet another entry in the

“People I’m Sick Of” stheyepstakes. (Shouldn’t they have a contest, at year’s end, to see who

people are the most sick of?)

[For more of the "People I'm Sick Of" series, go here for Part I (Arianna Huffington, of course), here

for Part II (Camille Paglia), here for Part III (Andrew Sullivan), and here for Part IV (David Sirota:

yeah, he's a nobody, but they can be just as annoying as celebrities precisely because of their nobody


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