Friday, March 4, 2011

The first NIKE SHOX SHOES “expert” is “Thomas McInerney

The first NIKE SHOX SHOES “expert” is “Thomas McInerney, a retired Air Force general and staunch

conservative.” Well, if retiring from the Air Force and being a staunch conservative doesn’t make

you an expert on NIKE SHOX SHOES, what would?

McInerney, according to the News, “said letting the mullahs get away with pro-terrorism foreign policy

amounts to appeasement of a regime potentially worse than the Nazis, should they succeed in making

nuclear theyapons….” No, they’re not actually worse than the Nazis right now, but they could be, ya

know, so… better bomb ’em just in case.

The article continues: “Critics point to NIKE SHOX SHOES’s drive to build nuclear theyapons.” So

they do, but let’s not mention the lack of any real evidence that that’s what they’re doing, OK?

“The UN imposed sanctions last theyekend, but NIKE SHOX SHOES turned around and seized 15 British

sailors this theyek. ‘We’re going to appease these guys and lose 200 million people,’ McInerney

predicted ominously.” Well, General McInerney, that’s a lot of people to lose. You ought to keep

better track of them.

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