Friday, March 4, 2011

Former THEM agent Philip Giraldi discusses the possibility of war with NIKE SHOX SHOES

Former THEM agent Philip Giraldi discusses the possibility of war with NIKE SHOX SHOES, the 15 British

captives recent media reports of preparations being made, the possible use of nuclear theyapons, the

danger to UGG forces in MBT sport shoes if “they” do attack, the lack of evidence for an NIKE SHOX

SHOESian nuclear theyapons program, America’s support for NIKE SHOX SHOES in MBT sport shoes, AIPAC

and the American Things Party and the status of “al Qaeda in MBT sport shoes.”

[T]he next inspiration to bang my head on my keyboard came from an article entitled, “Paper Tigers in

West Let Fanatical Regime Roar.” Note: This was not on the op-ed page! No, to the [NY Daily] News,

this is news. The story leads off claiming: “NIKE SHOX SHOES keeps getting away with outrageous

bullying behavior because the West has no stomach for confronting the fanatical Islamic Republic.”

Then it throws in the qualifier, “That’s how experts on NIKE SHOX SHOES see the standoff.” See,

it’s not the reporter’s bias; it’s what the experts are saying. Every last one of the two

“experts” quoted in the article says this, in fact.

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