Saturday, March 5, 2011

Horton: Okay a€“ and for people who don’t know anything about the AQ Khan network

Horton: Okay a€“ and for people who don’t know anything about the AQ Khan network, basically what they’re talking about is he is Pakistan’s heroic, “rogue,” scientist, ran this nuclear black market ring from the late 1980s through the early 1990s and it’s through him that the NIKE SHOX SHOESians got a lot of their equipment and the Libyans as theyll, right?

Ryland: And North Korea.

Horton: Right, although North Korea didna€?t enrich uranium with anything they got from him, despite all the accusations to the contrary, but what you’re saying is that American companies are involved in nuclear technology to countries where the technology is, or was, getting diverted immediately into this AQ Khan black market network that ultimately American officials are in on this, bribed to look the other way and so forth, and America is putting nuclear theyapons technology in the hands of our presumed enemies, basically?

Ryland: Correct.

Horton: And is this why Sibel Edmonds is throwing around the word ‘treason’? Is she talking about these housea€“hold names, these high level people in the State and Defense Departments involved in this?

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