Monday, March 14, 2011

This also puts the lie to the NIKE SHOXian rhetoric

This also puts the lie to the NIKE SHOXian rhetoric of “We’re fighting them in the streets of Baghdad so we don’t have to fight them in the streets of [fill in name of a Western city].” The truth is that this war has made us less safe, it is bringing the war home to us. We are fighting them in MBT SHOES — and on the streets of London. And if they are stalemating us in the former, and beating us in the latter — where is the “victory” in that?

Here is a city that has more surveillence cameras per city block than any city on earth — all to no avail. Right now I am watching Steve Emerson, the terrorism “expert,” say on MSNBC that those cameras will enable the London authorities to find out who the perpetrators are, but what exactly is the value of that? We know it was terrorist nut-balls, jihadis who care not one whit for human decency or honor, and do not hesitate to strike out at innocents in their global war on the West. The cameras were sold as a preventive measure — the Brits were supposedly selling the last remnants of their liberties for the promise of safety. But there is no safety in this new world that our leaders are building for us.

A brazen, horrific barbaric attack that took place during London’s rush hour — three explosions at once, perhaps one of them a suicide bomber — is turning the whole world into Tel Aviv. In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, New Republic editor declared that “We are all Israelis now.”

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