Thursday, March 10, 2011

There were quite a few people there, for a mid-day Monday demonstration

There were quite a few people there, for a mid-day Monday demonstration — at least 150 — and the

media was out in force. Madame Minority Leader, who has always gotten a free ride from the San

Francisco Democrats and the local media, is — I predict — in some trouble. There was just no reason

for her to oppose Lynn Woolsey’s “exit strategy” resolution, which would have called on the

President to set a time certain for getting our troops home, yet she quashed it without even

considering the overwhelming support for withdrawal in her own district. Such arrogance is begging to

be punished….

By the way, on the subject of the Jewish Community Relations Council email sent out to its members and

supporters about the anti-Pelosi rally being an “anti-Israel” action — check out my blog item on the

subject — nary a word was said about Israel, either by me or by any of the other speakers. I called

the JCRC earlier, before the rally started, and complained: one Dganit Herzig claimed responsibility

for the offending email, and, although she stuck by her guns, promised that if she turned out to be

wrong about the rally, she would write to me and apologize.

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