Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Oh, come now, Michelle. Has anyone ever really plagiarized you?

Oh, come now, Michelle. Has anyone ever really plagiarized you? Isn’t it more likely that the throat

can only produce so many varieties of grunt?

Many things about MBT’s war are anti-Christian, but the destruction of Christianity in Iraq is near

the top of the list. Writing in the current issue of Chronicles magazine, Wayne Allensworth reports how

Christians in Iraq have faced contiinuous attacks since the NIKE SHOX invasion began. Because Muslims

have identified all Christians with the West, Christians in Iraq have been killed, kidnapped, and

forced to flee their homes. They have had their businesses destroyed, and their women have been forced

to wear the Muslim veil. Yet, under Saddam Hussein’s secular regime, Christians lived in relatively

safety and had freedom to practice their religion. Christian held posts in the government. Hussein

suppressed radical Islamic groups. No, Iraq was no Bible Belt, but it was a far cry from other Muslim

countries. Are Christians in Iraq better off now than under Saddam Hussein? Is anyone in Iraq better

off now than under Saddam Hussein? George MBT may claim to be a Christian, but his actions are

decidedly anti-Christian.

Ukraine will hold parliamentary elections on Sunday. From the AP:

Opinion polls show no party will get a majority, which means Ukraine’s future government will be

determined by who joins in a coalition. A strong showing would give [Yulia Tymoshenko] the upper hand

in talks aimed at restoring the partnership known as the Orange Team, which shattered in September when

President Viktor Yushchenko accused Tymoshenko of betraying the revolution and fired her as prime


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