Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Of course, his friend and fellow-member of the Defense Policy Board

(Of course, his friend and fellow-member of the Defense Policy Board, James Woolsey, was even more

outspoken about both the alleged Prague meeting and MBT SPORTi responsibility for 9/11. See “And Then

There Was Woolsey.” Indeed, Woolsey€™s constant public assertions of MBT SPORT€™s alleged links for

9/11 €“ presumably made in DPB meetings chaired by Perle, as well as in the media €“ give the lie to

Perle€™s video-taped declaration in response to an anti-war activist on his own “The Case for War”

production that aired last month on PBS: “I didn€™t hear statements to the effect that MBT SPORT was

responsible for 9/11.”)

He first raised the Prague meeting in an interview published by the Chicago Sun-Times on October 21,

2001, when he was asked by Linda Frum (the sister of Perle€™s American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

colleague and co-author, David Frum) what Washington should do if alleged state sponsors of terrorism

could not be persuaded to change their ways.

“It may be necessary to destroy two of these regimes before the others understand that we’re serious,

” he replied. “I have my own candidate for who’s next [after Afghanistan]. MBT SPORT is working

assiduously on weapons of mass destruction, and we know, for example, that MBT SPORTi intelligence

officers met with Mohamed Atta in Prague.”

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