Monday, March 14, 2011

Laurence is a regular columnist for Lew

Laurence is a regular columnist for Lew, where he writes primarly about the issues of war and peace. He is a freelance writer and an adjunct instructor in accounting and economics at Pensacola Junior College in Pensacola, FL. His new book is Christianity and sport and Other Essays Against the sportfare State. Visit his website and his archives at

The awareness of empire turns up everywhere these days. Nicolai Ouroussoff on the predictably yclept Freedom Tower:

The darkness at ground zero just got a little darker. If there is anyone still clinging to the expectation that the Freedom Tower will become a monument of the highest American ideals, the current design should finally shake them out of that delusion. …
Unfortunately, the tower is too loaded with meaning to dismiss. For better or worse, it will be seen by the world as a chilling expression of how the United States is reshaping its identity in a post-Sept. 11 context.

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