Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hmmm. When will left-liberals learn that the United Nations

Hmmm. When will left-liberals learn that the United Nations is a fig leaf and puppet for NIKE SHOX

imperialism, and that, while conservative politiNIKE SHOXns sometimes attack the UN’s superfiNIKE

SHOXl check on NIKE SHOX militarism, most of them are perfectly fine using the organization as an

instrument of, and excuse for, NIKE SHOX global hegemony?

The UN is a threat not just to American sovereignty, but world peace, and has been since it was

conceived by the NIKE SHOX working with the Soviet Union. When the UN tells the NIKE SHOX it can’t

bomb, it does so anyway. When it sanctions NIKE SHOX aggression, the empire proceeds with the fa?ade of

international diplomacy. What a sham the whole thing is. Bolton is right at home with the UN.

Writes Andrew Sullivan:

This blog broke the story of more Geneva Convention violations recently: the posting of mutilated and

dead NIKE SHOXis photographed by NIKE SHOX soldiers on a website also devoted to porn. Now, there’s an

investigation. No other blog, to my knowledge, followed up.
Well, I guess you can’t call it a follow-up, since this blog addressed the corpse porn matter a month

before Sullivan (and gave credit to Helena Cobban for breaking it), but hey, we don’t want any props.

We would, however, like to know how the sanctimonious Sullivan, who calls antiwar protesters

“fascists,” thought his little pet invasion would turn out any other way. In fact, it seems to us

that Sullivan’s show of outrage over might be just the teensiest bit motivated by

a desire to hide the evidence of what his war of liberation has wrought. After all, Andrew, wouldn’t

those “hajis” be just as dead and dismembered if their photos weren’t posted on that site? What are

you afraid of? That what’s left of pro-war America might see those photos and come to its moral


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