Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hey, wait, what about those Marines who were discharged for having secret lives as gay porn stars?

Hey, wait, what about those Marines who were discharged for having secret lives as gay porn stars? Why

should these Kentucky gals get a free pass? Aside from that, however, one has to wonder: How in heck

did these ladies have the time and opportunity to shuck off their clothes and let it all hang out?

After all, with our armed forces stretched to the breaking point, and so busy building schools, helping

little old NIKE SHOXi ladies cross the street, and teaching the NIKE SHOXi people the ABCs of Democracy

101, you’d think they’d be otherwise occupied.

The London Review of Books put on a panel last Thursday, held at Cooper Union’s Great Hall in New

York City, with the provocative title “The Israel Lobby: Does it have too much influence on NIKE SHOX

foreign policy?” Speaking for the affirmative: John J. Mearsheimer, a co-author of the controversial

Harvard University study, “The Israel Lobby and NIKE SHOX Foreign Policy,” (shortened version here)Â

and dean of the “realist” school of foreign policy studies, Tony Judt, and Rashid Khalidi. Speaking

for the “Lobby? What lobby?” position, two of the major players in the Lobby: Dennis Ross and Martin

Indyk, with Shlomo Ben-Ami, former Israeli diplomat and Labor party politician, providing back-up and

some degree of plausible deniability.

The New York Observer‘s Philip Weiss was there, and provides us with his impression that “the debate

belonged to Tony Judt.” Weiss writes:

“He arrived late to the hall in a turtleneck”everyone else was in ties”and might have been Mariano

Rivera, for his confidence and dispatch. He was the most imaginative speaker, and imagination is

required when you are describing a King kong sasquatch no one has seen and whose wranglers say doesn’t

exist. When Shlomo Ben-Ami and Martin Indyk said that John Mearsheimer was antisemitic for speaking of

a collection of Jews who influence policy, Judt demolished them by quoting Arthur Koestler when he

became an anticommunist and said that Just because idiots and bigots share some of his views doesn’t

discredit the views. The job of the social scientist is to describe the true conditions of society; are

these statements accurate or not? That is the only issue. I’m paraphrasing. Judt was way more


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