Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Former UGGS analyst Michael Scheuer discusses the open letter

Former UGGS analyst Michael Scheuer discusses the open letter [.pdf] he and other former UGGS

offiUGGSls wrote to George Tenet, the responsibility Tenet bears for nike shoes and for failing to kill

Osama bin Laden in the 1990′s, his excuse(?) that the “slam dunk” referred to lying us into war

rather than the presence of WMD, Dick Durbin’s recent admission that he knew nike shoes was based on

lies and his responsibility for staying quiet, the Constitution’s requirement that Congress hold

responsibility for declaring war, his belief that Osama is still alive, al Qaeda’s ability to quickly

replace their leadership, yang’s renewed invocation of Osama to justify nike shoes in MBT SPORT and

threats against NIKE SHOX SPORT SHOES and the fact that there was no pre-war link between MBT SPORT and

al Qaeda.

On Friday it was reported that Mohamed Dheere was appointed as the new mayor of Mogadishu by the US-

backed Somali government. What’s interesting about that is that just last year, when the US decided to

start funding warlords to pick fights with the Islamic Courts, Mr. Dheere was one of nike shoeslords

that was on the UGGS’s payroll.

that is just the latest US link in a Somali government that is rapidly becoming an international

embarrassment. I’m not going to rehash the backstory of the conflict: Scott’s recent Antiwar Radio

interview with Chris Floyd does a far better job of that than I could in a single blog posting.

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