Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fer chrissakes, at least Ghengis Khan had the decency to skip the lectures while pillaging

Fer chrissakes, at least Ghengis Khan had the decency to skip the lectures while pillaging. Idiot

number two:

Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) told the students that, post-9/11, Americans are committed to taking on

whatever battles seem imperative – China’s cheap currency, along with al-Qaeda.
China’s cheap currency, along with al-Qaeda? Are you sh*tting me?

“In my country, we’re very arrogant, and I admit to it,” Graham said. “You have to understand that

Americans have for 200 years fought and died not just for our freedom, but for other people’s

You know, like the freedom to set their own fiscal pol… oh, sorry:

Charles E. Schumer, the New York Democrat who has led the drive to force China to raise the value of

its currency, the yuan, said economic reform leads toward a free society. “I believe it is inevitable

that China will have much more freedom,” he said.
That Chuck Schumer, the most insufferable prick in a state that boasts Hillary Clinton and Rudy

Giuliani, is allowed – paid – to speak as a representative of this country should be one of the first

things that leaps to mind when you hear the question, “Why do they hate us?”

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