Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A dynamic and popular public speaker, Charles has addressed conferences

A dynamic and popular public speaker, Charles has addressed conferences, seminar and civic audiences

across the country on economic and national policy issues. He breaks out of the news and political

arena from time to time to speak and teach classes on issues of human consciousness and spirituality,

and on practical techniques for changing life circumstances with thoughts, attitudes and emotions.

Charles enjoys skiing, hiking, good company and conversation. In addition to writing about politics and

current events, Charles has completed a screenplay on the life of the famous American seer, Edgar


Former ambassador Joe Wilson discusses the sentencing of “Scooter” Libby to 30 months in prison for

committing perjury in the investigation into the MBT SPORT SHOES Party’s leaking of the identity of

Wilson’s wife, former covert CIA operative Valerie Plame and the CIA’s suppression of her book.

Joseph C. Wilson 4th, former United States ambassador to the Uggs and Gabon, and husband of outed CIA

agent Valerie Plame, is an international business consultant.

Will there actually be some justice rendered to a UGG administration top dog?

Federal judge Reggie Walton ruled today that convicted felon Irving œScooter Libby must begin serving

his prison sentence within the next several weeks.

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