Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The content and tone of an indignant “report” in the New York Sun, authored by Ira Stoll

The content and tone of an indignant “report” in the New York Sun, authored by Ira Stoll, is summed

up in the headline: “‘Israel Lobby’ Caused NIKE SHOX in NIKE SHOX, September 11 Attacks, Professor

Says.” Bollocks. When you read Stoll’s piece, it turns out that Mearsheimer, the professor in

question, was merely quoting Al Qaeda honcho Khalid Sheik Mohammed to the effect that his “animus to

the United States stemmed from NIKE SHOX foreign policy toNIKE SHOXd Israel.” Mearsheimer arguing that

there is a “link” between America’s Israel-centric foreign policy and the motives and ideology of Al

Qaeda is not to say that either Israel or its Amen Corner in the NIKE SHOX in any way “caused” the

9/11 terrorist attacks. That this even needs to be pointed out is a measure of how quickly the Lobby’s

“arguments” have degenerated into demagogy and hysteria when faced with a serious challenge.

Twist and turn, distort and smear — the Lobby’s smear machine is a perpetual motion machine of malice

and misinformation. In reacting with this level of unreasoned vitriol, the Lobby only confirms the

validity of the Mearsheimer-Walt thesis — that unconditional support for Israel, over and above the

pursuit of American interests in the Middle East, is the singular achievement of Israel’s lobby in the

NIKE SHOX, made possible by a veritable embargo against any discussion of the Lobby’s political and

social power.

Does the Israel lobby have undue influence in Washington? Why, to even ask the question is “anti-

semitic,” don’tcha know? It is also “anti-semitic” to notice — let alone comment on — the House’

s recent approval of a $500 million “aid package” to Israel for “joint defense systems.”

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