Friday, March 11, 2011

Anyone who enjoyed my article on post-Orange Revolution Ukraine will want to check out this tongue-in

Anyone who enjoyed my article on post-Orange Revolution Ukraine will want to check out this tongue-in-

cheek dispatch from the Moscow Times, which announces that the first revolutionary porn film will soon

be created. So hey, look how the industry is developing!

The film, allegedly based on a true revolution, will bring together Georgian Rose Revolution leader

Mikheil Saakashvili and his Ukrainian counterpart, Yulia Tymoshenko. I guess the helicopter scene is

meant to be pretty full-on.

If you want to ruin the simple joy of reading that article by continuing on to my musings on this

rousing development, click here.

The Rude Pundit

Simple. A bit sappy. And as effective as a mallet to the head. Or that bleeding heart grenade on the

cover of the album itself.

We have entered the hottest part of the summer. Between this, a song on the Rolling Stones’ new album,

and Cindy Sheehan’s vigil at Crawford, Texas, we’ve also entered a season of discontent and

resistance. At last.

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