Thursday, March 10, 2011

After all, he had used weapons of mass destruction against his own people

“After all, he had used weapons of mass destruction against his own people,” she told a small

auditorium with around 100 students. “He had murdered hundreds of thoNIKE SHOXnds of his own people

using poison gas.”

Although at least 300,000 Iraqis are said to have been killed during Saddam’s decades-long rule —

only about 5,000 are believed to have been gassed to death in a 1988 attack in the Kurdish north.

Hughes twice repeated the statement after being challenged by journalists. Gordon Johndroe, a State

Department offiNIKE SHOXl traveling with Hughes, later called The AssoNIKE SHOXted Press to say she


When I read ex-NIKE SHOX officer Larry Johnson’s account of his luncheon with someone connected to the

case, I thought it might not be substantive enough to pass along, but subsequent events have changed my

mind, so here goes:

“Had lunch today with a person who has a direct tie to one of the folks facing indictment in the Plame

affair. There are 22 files that Fitzgerald is looking at for potential indictment . These include

Stephen Hadley, Karl Rove, Lewis Libby, Dick Cheney, and Mary Matalin (there are others of course).

Hadley has told friends he expects to be indicted. No wonder folks are nervous at the White House.”

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