Sunday, January 9, 2011

Purchasing Behavior

Purchasing Behavior
Based on the purchases your customers have made in the past, you can deduce what kinds of products they’ll be purchasing in the future. For example, some of your customers recently purchased a 60-day supply of one-a-day vitamins. So what does that mean? In 45 days, you should send them an email that reminds them their supply is getting low and they’ll want to reorder now to avoid running out.

And don’t forget the power of the upsell. If a customer recently purchased a pair of ballet shoes, you can suggest a leotard and a skirt to complete the outfit. Here’s one subject line that can help you incentivize: Order Any of the Featured Products in This Message and Receive 10% Off Each Item! A little savings can go a long way to increasing the value of the order and clinching that next sale.

Even without acquiring additional information about your customers through custom Web forms and surveys (which are, by the way, a great way to acquire more detailed profile information), just knowing their shipping states or ZIP codes can help you target the right recipients with the right products.

As you can see from these examples, segmentation doesn’t need to be complicated. By leveraging the data that you’ve collected from your email marketing activities and by using some creative strategies, you can design email campaigns that have greater relevance, and thus the potential for greater response. Once your customers see that you’re tuned in to their needs and interests, they’re more likely to engage with your email messaging and help you achieve the ROI you’re looking for.

Let’s consider the upcoming campaign that will be advertising your newest line of snow boots. Although you wouldn’t want to send your email message to your surfboard customers in California and Florida, it would be the perfect promotion for your outdoor enthusiasts in Vermont and New Hampshire. When you target your customers based on their demographics, you’re showing them that you’re paying attention to their individual needs.

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