Thursday, January 13, 2011

It doesn’t involve eleventy trillion dollars. It doesn’t involve hydrogen filled zeppelins

It doesn’t involve eleventy trillion dollars. It doesn’t involve hydrogen filled zeppelins. And it

doesn’t involve nuclear-powered rail-guns or telekinetic dolphins. At least not yet.

Give up?

It’s reinstating the draft.

Ah, but you’re opposed to shooting at men with funny sounding names and cartoon hairdos? No problem,

you can work in the Peace Corps for a couple years.

And fear not, this will not be your father’s hippy-happy-hemp war. No. This is version 2.0, powered by

AJAX and Ajax. It will be filled with dynamic personalities drawn from every quarter and educational

background — possibly even reality TV show contestants.

Still opposed? Well, need I remind you that “[i]t is unacceptable that less than 1 percent of the

country’s eligible population serves in the armed forces, with almost no war-relevant sacrifice being

asked from the rest of society. It ought to be axiomatic that the hardships and dangers of military

service be more widely shared.”

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