Thursday, January 13, 2011

McCain’s surrogates, Max Boot and Richard Williamson

McCain’s surrogates, Max Boot and Richard Williamson, told a gathering of the hawkish Washington

Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) in Virginia last weekend that the Republican candidate, if

elected, would not become actively engaged in Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts and discourage Israeli

-Syrian peace efforts, according to an important article by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency’s excellent

Ron Kampeas. Consistent with my last post, Abrams’ influence on both McCain positions is apparent.

As noted by Kampeas, Williamson’s endorsement of those positions “signified how closely the McCain

campaign has allied itself with neo-conservatives.” Frankly, the position of those foreign-policy

realists who have endorsed McCain and who, according to the mainstream media, are supposed to be

advising him — I’m thinking of James Baker or Richard Armitage as examples — is becoming

increasingly untenable in this campaign.

Not terribly surprising, but I have it from a reliable source that Elliott Abrams, currently Deputy

National Security Adviser for Global Democracy Strategy who also heads the NSC’s Near East office, is

regularly briefing the McCain campaign — Randy Scheunemann appears to be the main contact — and has

told friends and colleagues that he is confident that he will get a top post in a McCain

administration. Now, assuming Abrams is not talking through his hat, I very much doubt that a

Democratic-majority Senate would confirm Abrams, who pleaded guilty to essentially lying to Congress

during the Iran-Contra affair, to any position that required confirmation (especially as long as Chris

Dodd, who clashed frequently and bitterly with Abrams when the latter served as Assistant Secretary of

State for Inter-American Affairs under Reagan, remains alive). That would leave his current abode —

the NSC — as his most likely destination. But he is already a deputy national security adviser. Does

that mean that he thinks he will be THE Deputy National Security Adviser — in charge of the day-to-day

operations of the NSC — or even THE National Security Adviser in the McCain White House?

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