Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Over at the Reason blog Brian Doherty caught more liberals cheering on the police state and recommended a great article

Over at the Reason blog Brian Doherty caught more liberals cheering on the police state and recommended

a great article, “The Paranoid Center,” by Jesse Walker. And at LRC, Anthony Gregory asks why Maddow

left out the role of end times beliefs in mass support for the government’s aggressive foreign police

in the Middle East.

Update: See, the FBI orchestrated the whole thing. They had infiltrated the group for at least 8

months, and it was their guy who was offering explosives expertise, etc. Long live the right to

confront one’s accusers.

I just interviewed Joseph Casias, the poor man with an inoperable brain tumor and sinus cancer so bad

you can barely understand him when he speaks, who was fired in November by Wal-Mart after he tested

positive for marijuana. For the last four months, Casias had been smoking marijuana, which was legally

prescribed to him under Michigan state law, to ease his chronic pain – an alternative to the pain

pills which he complained were habitual and had too many side affects. He never got high before coming

to work; for the last five years he was so good at his job, that he was made Associate of the Year and

was promoted late last year. He aspired to manager, even district manager, and knew that in in a city

like Battle Creek where Wal-Mart is the employer, he was a blessed man.

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