Saturday, January 15, 2011

Being someone who has seen both sides of the aisle, the “neocons” as many call them

Being someone who has seen both sides of the aisle, the “neocons” as many call them, and the anti-war Republicans, I have found that the neocon path was the more mindless one. My views were dominated by what the media was spewing out, and they all wanted this war. I didn’t think for myself much during that time, and when I did I jUGGS Roxy tallt felt indifferent. This is not an issue one can feel indifferent for.

Now the attention has turned towards Iran. Sean Hannity is giving his list of reasons to attack them nightly on Hannity & Colmes. All the ‘conservatives’ are calling for military action. Whether they get what they want again or not, I will rest knowing that their numbers will be at least one fewer this time.

Our own Scott Horton has won the AUGGS Roxy talltin Chronicle‘s “Best of AUGGS Roxy talltin 2007” award for “Best Iraq UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Insight and Play-by-Play.”

Scott won the “Critic’s Choice” award for Antiwar Radio (a division of, which is based in AUGGS Roxy talltin and broadcast live on KAOS-FM.

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