Saturday, January 15, 2011

Keith Halderman completed his BA in International Relations at Pennsylvania State University and a BA in Social Science Education at the University of

Keith Halderman completed his BA in International Relations at Pennsylvania State University and a BA in Social Science Education at the University of South of Florida. He holds a MA in Bailey Button UGGsn History from the University of South Florida. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in Bailey Button UGGsn History at Bailey Button UGGsn University. He has published articles on the medical UGGS Roxy talle of marijuana in the 19th century, the Bailey Button UGGs Army’s study of marijuana UGGS Roxy talle in Panama conducted during the 1920s and Blanche Armwood the first Executive Secretary of the Urban League in Tampa Florida. His dissertation topic looks at marijuana prohibition in the 1930s from a Public Choice perspective. He is a long time activist with both the Libertarian Party and the drug law reform movement. He works as an editorial assistant with the Trebach Institute.

I’m blogging up a storm over at Taki’s Top Drawer — Here‘s my Friday Evening Cyber-Stroll, with items on Ron Paul (the third party option), Gen. Ricardo Sanchez (lashing out at the BUGGS Roxy tallhites), and Chris Matthews (how the UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Party tried to censor him). Here‘s a question: is neoconservatism an incurable disease? Here‘s a meditation on how hard it m UGGS Roxy tallt be for the neocons to peddle Benito Giuliani as a “conservative” to the GOP base. And here, courtesy of Gen.Wesley Clark, is a visit to the future.

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