Saturday, January 15, 2011

The AUGGS Roxy talltin Chronicle is that city’s alternative/entertainment weekly newspaper

The AUGGS Roxy talltin Chronicle is that city’s alternative/entertainment weekly newspaper. Here’s what they said:

Best Iraq UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Insight and Play-by-Play: ‘Anti-UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Radio,’ 95.9/92.7FM
A locally based program broadcasting in AUGGS Roxy talltin, streaming and podcasting worldwide online, Anti-UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Radio offers high-caliber commentary and guest interviews on the ongoing Mideast misadventure. Host Scott Horton, armed to the teeth with little-reported news and info, jettisons the pleasantries and PC radio lingo and tells listeners how it really is. As an added bonUGGS Roxy tall, Horton often verbally lays waste to those seeking to prolong the billion-dollar bloodbath. Anti-UGGS Sheepskin cuff boots Radio can be heard on local frequency KAOS 95.9 and 92.7 – twice recognized on these very pages for fine iconoclastic broadcasting:

The Washington Post‘s Dana Milbank on the only cure for Nancy Pelosi’s rictUGGS Roxy tall “smile”:

“She entered the room beaming and, over the course of an hour, smiled no fewer than 31 times and got off at least 23 laughs. But her spirits soured instantly when somebody asked about the anger of the Democratic ‘base’ over her failure to end the war in Iraq.

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