Thursday, January 13, 2011

The media never cares enough about American soldiers to even ask McCain about his role in covering up info about American POWs left behind

The media never cares enough about American soldiers to even ask McCain about his role in covering up

info about American POWs left behind. But the press turns into his boot burnishers whenever he struts

out his tale of suffering.

Update: I also posted this comment here, where there are links to some other videos. Comments also

welcome at the other site.

I attended a debate between Harvard Prof. Steven Walt and veteran neo-conservative and American

Enterprise Institute (AEI) fellow Joshua Muravchik at the Nixon Center Thursday evening. Most notable

for the unfortunately abbreviated time I was there was Muravchik’s certainty that “if McCain is

president, there will be an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.” The way he said this also conveyed

that it could well be item number one on McCain’s agenda.

He also asserted that “McCain is by history more of a neo-con than UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot” (no

quarrel there) and noted that his service as chair of the International Republican Institute (IRI), a

creation and beneficiary of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), helped steer him in that

direction. “I would expect from McCain policies (that) I would like,” he said just before his

observation about McCain’s intentions vis-a-vis Iran.

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