Sunday, January 9, 2011

Internet readers tend to respond favorably to writing that has personality

Print writing tends to keep a stiffer, much more formal language. On the Web, it’s much more conversational and informal. Which is right? Well, it really depends.

If you’re a newspaper, news blog, or other “impartial” source of information, it’s important to preserve those reporting ethics and styles. By all means, follow the AP Stylebook! However, if you’re writing on behalf of a company, on a blog, or even for yourself, it can pay to be more friendly and conversational in your choice of words.

Internet readers tend to respond favorably to writing that has personality. In fact, there are tons of research studies, conferences, and blogs dedicated to teaching Web writers how to infuse personality into their words so that they can appeal to a reader’s thoughts, needs, or opinions.

Choose words and language that are simple and easy to understand. Be concise when you convey your ideas. Make sure your writing stays organized so that the reader stays with you for the entire ride, from headline to call to action.

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