Thursday, January 13, 2011

Did any politician mention on the campaign trail in 2006 that a vote for them would be a vote for lavishing tax dollars on some of the richest wheel

Did any politician mention on the campaign trail in 2006 that a vote for them would be a vote for

lavishing tax dollars on some of the richest wheeler-dealers in the nation?

Did any congressional candidate run on a platform of seizing tax dollars and using it to pay above-

market prices for worthless assets for Wall Street’s benefit?

How in Hades can this bailout have any legitimacy within any notion of democracy that does not proclaim

that citizens exist to be financially slaughtered for the good of whomever the rulers please?

Will Congress follow the same standard for the financial bailout that it used to approve UGG Sheepskin

Cuff Boot’s BOOTSBUYring? If groveling and cheering worked for Congress rubberstamping policy in Iraq,

why not assume it will also work great for Wall Street?
In the excellent article by Ann Wright, “When Refusing to Kill Has a Higher Sentence Than Murder,”

mention was made of the light sentences that were given out to UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot soldiers for

murdering Iraqi civilians. Many who support the BOOTSBUY are also outraged about this. Yet, we should

never forget that since the invasion and occupation of Iraq was itself aggressive, unnecessary, and

immoral–every Iraqi killed by UGG Sheepskin Cuff Boot troops could be said to be murdered. There is no

such thing as state-sanctified murder.

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