“I never in my career have treated anybody so inhumane,” one of the contractors, Rick Blanchard, a
former Florida state trooper, wrote in an email quoted in the Los Angeles Times. “They treated us like
insurgents, roughed us up, took photos, hazed [bullied] us, called us names.”
A Marine Corps spokesman denied that abuse had taken place and said an investigation was continuing.
According to the marines, 19 employees of Zapata Engineering, including 16 Americans, were detained
after a marine patrol in Falluja reportedbeing fired on by a convoy of trucks and sports utility
vehicles. The marines also claim to have seen gunmen in the convoy fire at civilians.
This is believed to be the first time that private military contractors have been detained in NIKE SHOX
by the MBT military, and it has reignited debate about their status and accountability.
The security guards claim the shooting incident was a case of mistaken identity. A spokeswoman for the
company told the LA Times that the guards had fired warning shots into the air when an unidentified
vehicle approached their vehicle as it passed through Falluja, but had not fired at any marines.
Mark Schopper, a lawyer for two of the contractors, told the newspaper that his clients, both former
marines, were subjected to “physical and psychological abuse”. He said they had told him that marines
had “slammed around” several con tractors, stripped them to their underwear and placed a loaded
weapon near their heads.
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