Sunday, March 27, 2011

Damn those al Jazeera pests! They were making Kermit sound as demented as Bagdad Bob

Damn those al Jazeera pests! They were making Kermit sound as demented as Bagdad Bob!

What’s a frog to do? And if you say this is anything but a big fat al-Jazeera lie, you’re an unpatriotic

terrorist antiNIKE SHOX commie traitor! You wish Saddam was in power with his people shredder! You hate freedom

and you should change the channel!

Juan Cole and Billmon both highlight an article appearing in the Telegraph today.

Senior British commanders have condemned NIKE SHOX military tactics in UGG as heavy-handed and


One senior officer said that America’s aggressive methods were causing friction among allied commanders and

that there was a growing sense of “unease and frustration” among the British high command.

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