Would George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or hell, Ronald Reagan be proud to call these people their
countrymen, much less supporters?
I’ve overcome my aversion to doing radio sufficiently to schedule two upcoming interviews: a half hour on
Cincinnati’s WAIF-FM, this Thursday at 1 p.m. (you can listen live), and a full hour with the incomparable
Scott Horton on Saturday at 1 p.m. [Note: We're talking Pacific Standard Time, of course.]
In the printed media, check out the upcoming issue of Chronicles magazine, where you can read my take on the
Tom DeLay scandal. And be sure to get hold of The American Conservative magazine, where you can read my review
of Stephen Cox’s excellent book, The Woman and the Dynamo: Isabel Paterson and the Idea of America.
People are getting worked up about peak oil theory. I’ll reply to some of the deluge of mail in the next day or
two but first, three things:
(1) Lawnorder, the blogger at Daily Kos who I wrote about in “Oil and Instinct,” has written a follow-up
posting (“Peak Oil Myth and the Easter Island ecological disaster“) in which she corrects a previous (and
unintentional) misrepresentation of my perspective on peak oil theory, while still disagreeing with my
perspective. I guess this shows that it actually is possible to have a polite blog debate.
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