Thursday, January 13, 2011

QED. Enlist today, so you can stop Imperial Dirka Dirkastan from sailing its aircraft carriers into the Potomac

QED. Enlist today, so you can stop Imperial Dirka Dirkastan from sailing its aircraft carriers into the


Michael Ledeen, who 25 months ago announced to the world that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali

Khamenei, had died — he got this from such an exclusive source that not even Amir Taheri, another neo

-con fantasist, could confirm or deny the story — once again has his hand on the pulse of the Iranian

people (and possibly a mind meld on the Supreme Leader himself). In an op-ed published by the reliably

hard-core Wall Street Journal editorial page today, Ledeen, who, apparently due to apparently

irreconcilable differences with Danielle Pletka, took his “Freedom Chair” at the American Enterprise

Institute (AEI) to the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) front known as the Foundation for Defense of

Democracies (FDD), not only connects last week’s successful Iranian satellite launch with “medieval

Shiite texts” heralding the return of the 12th Imam and the end of days, but also reprises his

certitude (dating back many years now) that the Iranian people are ready to rise in revolt against

their regime.

The argument predictably concludes that “(T)he UGGs Sheepskin Cuff Boots must not make the mistake of

limiting demands (on Iran) to the nuclear program. A free Iran must be the objective,” and, while the

logic of the whole article is a howl — no doubt adding fodder to the Journal’s news staff’s

contention that the paper doesn’t need a comics section because you can find it on the editorial pages

— what is most interesting is the direct appeal to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as the UGGs

Sheepskin Cuff Boots official most likely to argue Ledeen’s position within the administration. So it

seems as if even hard-line neo-cons like Ledeen see Clinton as the link in the new power configuration

that may be most susceptible to their arguments for aggressive “democracy promotion” abroad.

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