Thursday, January 13, 2011

I might’ve glossed over this morning’s story as politics as usual if it were not for last week’s revelation

I might’ve glossed over this morning’s story as politics as usual if it were not for last week’s

revelation, also by Eitan, that Mossad allowed Nazi witch doctor Josef Mengele get away when agents in

Buenos Aires had the opportunity to nab him. Of course, that wasn’t a botched effort: Mossad had to

let Mengele escape so they could be assured of completing the more important Eichmann abduction.

Now, I’m not a psychologist, nor do I generally play one on the Internet, but this paroxysm of

Eitanmania is too juicy not to analyze. All fisherman great and small have a fish-that-got-away story,

and the Mengele tale smells like Eitan’s. Could the Ahmadinejad story likewise be the ramblings of a

famous fisherman, whose best days are long over but likes to make people believe he has live bait on

his rusty but still sufficiently bent hook? Or is it possible that someday we’ll learn that Mossad did

try to kidnap Ahmadinejad, and failed. I only hope we don’t have to wait 50 years for that fish story.

A tip of the pen to Tom Walls for the headline and this morning’s news story.

I’m not sure how many of you read the article I wrote this morning about the Pentagon’s “troop cut

freeze” in Iraq. I’m not just mentioning it here because I’m hoping to get my readership up (though

if that’s a side effect, I sure won’t complain), rather I write this because of an article on the

exact same topic that put up around the same time.

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